Category Posts
Zach on THE BIKE! - 26 Oct 2008
Zach received the bike signed by Lance Armstong at the Geneva Bicycle Center on Friday, October 24.
Thanks to each and every one of you for voting for Zach in the Livestrong video contest and helping us share his remarkable story. Bike shop owner and long-time friend of Zach, Jim Hogan, said a few words […]
Congratulations Zach! - 23 Sep 2008
Congratulations to Zach for winning the Lance Armstrong Foundation “Dare to Share Your Story” video contest and the bike signed by Lance.
Thanks to the thousands of people who voted for Zach throughout the week to make this possible. All the finalists are incredible and we are honored to have received so much support during this […]
Share Zach’s Story With This Poster - 19 Sep 2008
Mike took the time to put together a poster. Take it and give it to everyone you can. If you can’t reach enough people online give this poster out. You can even put it on message boards at school or anywhere you can think of. Thanks for you for all of your help. We are […]
Read Full Post »Vote for Zach’s Livestrong Video (mhallstr4) - 15 Sep 2008
Vote for Zach’s video (mhallstr4) everyday through Sunday, Sept 21 to help him win a bike signed by Lance Armstong.
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Zach DeRidder’s Story - 13 Sep 2008
Zach’s Health
Zach was diagnosed with a rare and advanced form of liver cancer on January 6, 2006. Surgery is impossible for now and the tumor has grown to the size of a small football on his liver. Incredibly, in the summer of 2007, Zach competed in 16 athletic events while being on his sixth type […]