The Ride
Aug 19th, 2007 by admin in Uncategorized
A cross-country bike trip is the goal that got the Zach DeRidder Foundation rolling. Zach has always loved cycling and all his events are building up to a huge cross country ride next year. We are unsure which route he’ll take, if he’ll go with a touring group or a few close friends, or exactly when he’ll leave. If you have any suggestions let us know; or just stay posted for more details.
Zach wants to inspire others to face their challenges and follow their dreams. Zach and a couple of friends set up the Zach DeRidder Foundation on June 1, 2007 to help Zach raise some money to go on a cross country bike trip called “ZHOPE Coast to Coast”. The first $5000 donated to the foundation will go towards Zach’s cross country trip or Zach’s family if he is not able to take the trip himself.
All money given over the initial $5000 will be donated 100% to the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF).We chose to raise money for the LAF because we share their commitment to inspire and empower people affected by cancer. By funding cancer-related support services, research, and advocacy groups, the LAF is capable of helping millions of people in ways that we cannot. Your donation to the LAF is tax deductible because it is a registered 501C3 nonprofit organization.
To find out more about the LAF, visit their website or call them at 1 -512-236-8820.